March 2015

Haven’t updated in while! (Although I think the last update has the wrong year)

Been working on my python coding skills, getting pretty good. I haven’t written anything major, just odd scripts to help the website usually.

I am, as always, getting better at piano. I have no idea how to define where I am at but I am playing harder and harder songs so that is good.

I did a giant rewrite of my Pokemon Symphony piece last week. It adds a lot more variety in style as well as now covering all six (current) regions. It is also not 10 minutes! I will upload a sample once I am a little farther in cleaning. I have also started working directly with the VSTs (considering I won’t have a live ensemble in the real world) and did a orchestration of a piece from Katawa Shoujo which will get released as soon as I can move time to it from Pokemon Symphony.

And that’s about it for right now! I will probably add more later but I am running out of time to write this.

Update March 2013


Not much has been going recently. I have been quite busy with my classes. However, there is a ton of music that should be released in a month as I wrap up a arrangement project. I’ve also had inspiration for some new videos that I hope to produce soon and I added in a lot of my artwork.  I have done some minor improvements on the site’s back end and I hope to start working on some possible security issues. That’s about it! Not to much but hopefully there should be more soon!

Yours in art,


Update September 2013

Its been a while since I last posted so let me detail what has happened since then!

The programming page got columns to better display the icons. There will be certain other upgrades on the back-end to make uploading projects easier.

Originally I was going to upload and embed each song on the music page separately but instead I decided to use SoundCloud as it is a ton easier and is faster than loading from my server.

The page has been moved to a Raspberry Pi! I am running Wheezy Linux and Monkey HTTP web server. Its a little slower than I’d like but the uptime is much better than

And that’s it! Hopefully, I will upload more video and music!

Until then, See ya!


EDIT: The new server doesn’t support WordPress’s pretty permalinks. However, I found it does support the post name structure so I switched to that. Much better than the page id.